In occasion of Anniversary of birth of composer and pedagogue Tomislav Zografski,
up coming performances of his compositions on concerts, on International competitons
"Ohrid Pearls" and "Lake pearls" (Struga) and Ohrid Choir Festival
2018 - The most successful year of the Foundation - 22 Zografski's compositions for piano, two pianos, violin, viola, violin&piano, flute&piano, clarinet, saxophon, brass quintet and choir, in 76 performances in Macedonia (46 - in Skopje, Prilep, Stip, Gevgelija, Strumica, Ohrid, Struga), abroad (30 - in Detmold, Herford, Augsburg, Bukharest, New York, Kassel, Dinkensbuhl, Connecticut, Roma, Sofia, Warsaw, Wroclaw, Vranje, Moskow and Paris.
Foundation hand over Grand Prix 2018 to Macedonian clarineist Risto Gjorevski and awards to Kamelija Dukovska (violin) and Martin Rizov (piano) at International competition of young musicians Ohrid Pearls,
Choir "La Musica", conductor Karolina Filipczak (Lublin) at International Ohrid choir festival
AWARD "Tomislav Zografski" at 10. International Ohrid Choir Festival
to Chamber Choir "Feliks Nowowiejski" of Academy of Music in Bydgoszch Poland
28. August 2017
On Academy of music "Karol Shimanowski" in Katowice (18, 19. May 2017)
On "Frederyk Chopin University of music in Warshawa (29. May 2017)
Dedicated scores, recordings, monograph and many informations in Polish
about work and life of Zografski and about Foundation "Tomislav Zografski"
Exclusive CD with recordings of music of Zografski performed by Polish musicians
Meeting with Agata Kmak, student of III degree on Academy of music "Karol Shimanowski"
which theme is From compositional work of Macedonian composer Tomislav Zografski
to prof.Dr Milica Skarikj, Petre Shterjov, Bisera Ivanova,
Benjamin Dumont and 8.years old Olga Gjorgieva
for three concerts from 8. April till 9.May
in Belgium and Macedonia (Skopje and Shtip)
"Songs for Jakshini" for voice and piano
Irena Kavkalevska-mezzo soprano, Janinka nevcheva-piano
MC Galery New Galery
6. July 2016
"Marika beautiful girl" - Biljana Kamceva-soprano, Diploma recital
(Class of prof. Marija Muratovska Naumovska, FMU Skopje)
Piano- Elena Atansovska Ivanovska
Concert Hall of Faculty of music Skopje, 1. July 2016
Suite for piano solo op. 27 - Danica Stojanova
Concert "Classical music of 20-21 century" -Skopje summer
Museum of City of Skopje, 2. July 2016
Suite for violin and piano op. 28
- Ljubica Deleva-violin, Vesna Angelova Hristov-piano
Final concert of Seminaire Anna&Oleg Kondratenko
Museum of City of Skopje, 3. July 2016
Song for violin solo op. 101 - Bojan Ilkoski
Final concert of "Ohrid pearls" 2016
Cathedral church St.Sophia, 20. June 2016
Rhapsody fo violin and piano op. 103
- Kornlia Figielska-violin, Adam Mikolay Gozdziewski -piano (Poland)
Opening ceremony of "Ohrid Pearls"-International competition of young musicians
Cathedral church St.Sophia, 15. June 2016
Suite (1. mvt)- Sara Ljubotenska (9 years old)
Concert of the laureates of State competiton
Faculty of music Skopje, 19. May 2016
Ten miniatures (no 1, 2)- Leon Aleksandrov (MBUC, Class prof. Dino Imeri)
Salon 19,19, 10. May 2016
"Students in honor of Zografski"
Concert of sudents of Class of prof.PhD Milica Skarik
Music Academie of University "Goce Delchev", Shtip, 9. May 2016
Concert "Zografski's music seen trough children's drawings of Olga Gjorgieva"
with pianists Bisera Ivanova and Petre Shterjov
National galery "Daut Pashin Amam" Skopje, 3. may 2016
Sonatina for two pianos op. 146 and Ten miniatures for piano op. 11
at Final Concert of Seminaire of prof. PhD Milica Skaric
Academie Victor de Becker (Gemloux, Belgium)
8. April 2016
"Marika beautiful girl" (Hommage to P.I.Tchaikovsky) by Zografski
with Blagoj Nacoski-tenor
Recital in Tokio, 8. March 2016
"Marika beautiful girl" (Hommage to P.I.Tchaikovsky) by Zografski
with Kristina Palija-soprano, and Nevenka Trajkovska
Recital in Linz, Austria, 7. March 2016
Recital in Kavadarci, 23. April 2016
"Marika beautiful girl" by Zografski
with Vesna Ginovska Ilkova-soprano and Kristina Svetieva - piano
at Celebrity final concert of International festival "Zlatna lira"
Concert hall of Faculty of music Skopje, 26. December 2015
"Marika beautiful girl" by Zografski
at Diploma recital of Despina Spirovska (Class of prof. Biljana Jovanovska-Jakimovska)
Concert hall of Faculty of music Skopje, 25. December 2015
JANA KOLOVSKA - Laureate of Award "Tomislav Zografski" - the best student
of Faculty of music art Skopje, study program of musicologie, class of prod.Phd Bojan Ortakov
Award of Foundation "Tomislav Zografski" to Sara Ljubotenska (8 years)
for performancce of Suite (I mov) at Festival of young musician and balet talents 2015
Skopje, 4. December, Salon 19,19
for the best student on Faculty for musical art Skopje 2014/2015
(composition, conducting, musicologie and music theorie and pedagogue)
Suite for piano op. 27 with Maja Stojanovska
on International Festival of Conterporary Music Modoars Skopje
Daut pasin Amam, 7 Oktober 2015
Suite for piano op. 27 with Maja Stojanovska
on International Festival of Classical Music Interfest Bitola
Museum Bitola, 4 Oktober 2015
Suite for piano op. 27 with Danica Stojanova
on jubily concert of prof.m-r Evuska Trpkova Elezovic
Salon 19,19 Skopje
2 Oktober 2015
Three lyric chants op. 107 with Valerija Nikolovska,
Diploma recital at Faculty of music art Skopje, class doc PhD Goran Nachevski
Piano: Denis Najdoski
29 September 2015
Rhapsody for violin and piano op. 103 (1983)
with Bojan Ilkoski -violin and Dino Imeri -piano
Recital in Museum of City of Skopje
23 September 2015
"Marika moma ubava" with Natasa Mihajlova - soprano, Elena Ivanovska - piano
Recital in Tetovo
11 September 2015
International Ohrid Choir Festival 2015:
- Award "Tomislav Zografski" to Aurin Girl's Choir, conductor Laszlo Duranyik
from Kecskemet (Hungary) for performance of "Noise" for female choir
- Diploma from Foundation "Tomislav Zografski"
to Bursa Metropolitan Municipality DMD Polyphonic Youth Choir, conductor Levent Sezgin
for performance of composition "Ajde ke te prasam bre Donke for mixed choir
"Marika" op. 4 for mixed choir at Ohrid summer festival
First performance with Female Choir "St. Zlata Meglenska"
and conductor Letka Dimovska Polizova
7 August 2015
"Improvisation" for piano op. 1 from 1951,
on recital of Denis Najdoski in Art klub "Cepenkov"
Prilep, 6. August 2015
"Marika moma ubava" at International Ohrid summer festival
with primadona of Macedonian Opera - Vesna Ginovska Ilkova (soprano) and Kristina Svetieva (piano)
Ohrid, 20. July 2015
First performance of Ten miniatrures for piano (II) op. 11 (1955) in Macedonia
on recital of Petre Sterjov (class of prof.PhD Milica Skaric, Ugd-Stip)
Veles, 18.July 2015
Award "Tomislav Zografski" to Dunja PAPRIC (Croatia) at "Ohrid pearls"
- International competiton of young musicians (EMCY)
21. June 2015
Award "Tomislav Zografski" for young musician - to Dino Imeri- pianist
15. June 2015
Rhapsody for violin and piano op. 103 (1983) for Opening ceremony
of "Ohrid pearls"- International competiton of young musicians (EMCY)
15. June 2015
Performance in Bolshoi Theatre in Moskow of Sonata for clarinet and piano op. 149 (1953)
with Risto Gjorevski (clarinet) and Elena Atanasovska-Ivanovska (piano), 17. maj 2015
First performance in Macedonia of Sonata for clarinet and piano op. 149 (1953)
with Risto Gjorevski (clarinet) and Elena Atanasovska-Ivanovska (piano)
Concert Hall of Cultural Center of Skopje, 5. May 2015
First performance of Concerto Grosso for percussions and two string orchestras
op. 139 (1999) at 38. Days of Macedonian Music,
with Macedonian Philharmony and maestro Zsolt Nagy (Hungary)
9. April 2015, Army Hall, 20.00
Three pieces for bassoon with Wolfgang Rudiger (Ensemble Aventure, Germany)
at 38. Days of Macedonian Music,
Skopje City Museum, 4. April 2015
Three lyric chants op. 107 with Daliborka Miteva-soprano and Andrej Naunov-piano
at concert of Austrian-Macedonian composers
Macedonian opera and balet, Skopje 19. March 2015
Sonatina in C with Piano duo Petar Makarievski-Vesna Angelova Hristov
Concert in Helford (Germany), 15. March 2015
Festival "Zlatna lira 2014" Skopje - Young musicians to anniversary
of birth of composer Zografski, 24 October 2014
Concert Hall of faculty of music Skopje, 20.00
Suite for piano op. 27 on recital of Danica Stojanova in Germany, 5 Oktober
Suite for piano op. 27 on recital of Danica Stojanova in Stip, 30 September
Suite for piano op. 27 on recital of Danica Stojanova in Strumica, 12 August
AWARD "Tomislav Zografski" at Ohrid Choir Festival, to
Poznan University of Medical Sciances Mixed Choir, conductor Przemyslaw Palka
DIPLOMA to "Cantabile" Chamber Choir (Romania), cond. Andrei-Igor Manovici
DIPLOMA to "Alegria" Chamber Choir (Ankara, Turky), cond. Inci Ayag
"Unfinished Rhapsody" by Zografski with Shenzhen Simphony Orchestra and maestro Lin DaYe
at The International Ohrid Summer Festival - 19.August, Vestibule od St.Sophia, 21,00
Ohrid Summer Festival hereby appoints the title of Honorary Member of
Foundation "Tomislav Zografski" July 2014
- From creative opus of Tomislav Zografski - to anniversary of his birth
AWARD "Tomislav Zografski" at Intarnational competition for young musicians "Ohrid Pearls"
for Anastasija Grgovska (Macedonia)
DIPLOMA for performance of pieces by Zografski at "Ohrid Pearls 2014" to
Ivana Janakieva and Mimica Ducheva (Macedonia) and Hassan Ignatov and Ibrahim Ignatov (Bulgaria)
Suite for piano op. 27 with Maja Stojanovska in Portugal on 6 and 11 June 2014
"Madrigals" with Mittel Deutscer Frauen Kammer Choir and maestro Sebastian Goring
on 5 concerts at Festival International de Chant Coral "Nancy voix du monde"
Award "Tomislav Zografski" for young musician - to Dino Imeri- pianist
at "Ohrid pearls"
- International competiton of young musicians (EMCY)
"Ohrid pearls"
"Marika moma ubava" at International Ohrid summer festival
with primadona of Macedonian Opera - Vesna Ginovska Ilkova (soprano) and Kristina Svetieva (piano)
"Marika moma ubava" at International Ohrid summer festival
with primadona of Macedonian Opera - Vesna Ginovska Ilkova (soprano) and Kristina Svetieva (piano)
"Marika moma ubava" at International Ohrid summer festival
with primadona of Macedonian Opera - Vesna Ginovska Ilkova (soprano) and Kristina Svetieva (piano)
Suite for piano op. 27 with Danica Stojanova
on jubily concert of prof.m-r Evuska Trpkova Elezovic
Salon 19,19 Skopje
Suite for piano op. 27 with Danica Stojanova
on jubily concert of prof.m-r Evuska Trpkova Elezovic
Suite for piano op. 27 with Maja Stojanovska
on International Festival of Classical Music Bitola
for the best student on Faculty for musical art Skopje 2014/2015
for the best student on Faculty for musical art Skopje 2014/2015
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The Tomislav Zografski Foundation whishes you happy holidays | 21-12-2012 | |
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Tomislav Zografski award granted to KHORUS KOLCSEY, Debrecen, Hungary | 01-09-2012 | |
A Tomislav Zografski award is awarded for the best performance of Madrigals (Opus 88 for femail choir, 1979) on The International Ohrif Choir Festival 2012 to Khorus Kolcsey from Debrecen, Hungary. Conductor Laszlo Tamasi received the award, a replica of a Needle-Bride's ornament from the 19th century, Galichnik Republic of Macedonia aswell as as the Scores of Zografski's choir compositions "Madrigals" and "Trepetlika" for female choir and harp, from the president and founder of the foundation Mrs. Panda Zografska. |
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3 awards granted for performaces of compositions of Tomislav Zografski | 01-08-2012 | |